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Friday, August 31, 2012

Simple Joy

Today I am going to write about something that we don't write about near enough, and that is joy.
School has started back up for me and I am attending Washington State University. I am learning so much but I feel that my most important lesson so far came today, from my philosophy teacher.
We were asked 3 questions. To dig really, really, deep and really self reflect and think about the questions and your answers.
The first question was "what is the most important thing to you?" I instantly thought of my kids, as any parent should. But, I realized something more than that. Joy is the most important thing to me, simply being happy. For me my children provide me with the most joy I could ever ask for. But I also receive joy from music and our savior.
Today was a bad day for me, as I let a lot of days be, but I got really bad news today but after my philosophy lesson I plugged in my headphones to spiritual music, went and picked up the kids, and put a big smile on my face.
Sometimes we have to smile even though times are tough, we have to keep on going even though things seem maneuverable.
Life gets tough and it's the bumpy things that make you who are.
People are like stones rolling down a rocky hill. With each bump we hit and each toss we get thrown a little chip is knocked off, sometimes we become scratched up in the process, but by the end we will always be smoothed & polished if you just keep on rollin'.
While this wasn't exactly a spiritual post why don't we all just take the time to think deep inside ourselves at the three questions I was asked, and see how you feel afterwards.
1) what is the most important thing to you?
2) Why?
3) What if you lost this "thing"?
Best of luck to you all with your self reflections and remember, keep on rollin'.

Monday, August 27, 2012

When Duty Calls

Each and every one of us have responsibilities. Some of us have duties to raise children, or to keep a steady job, or to keep the house clean, or feed a dog. No matter what our duties are and how long our to-do lists may get we have one sole responsibility and that is to love God. Micah 6:8 says "..what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God."
I am such a busy person I always feel the need to accomplish 500 things at once and forget about this one simple reminder that all I need to do is to do the right things and love God. If I can do these simple things everything else will fall into place as it should.
But, in these simple commandments is a duty in itself. We are responsible to spread the word. I love to feel that going to church each week, reading the scriptures, raising my kids in a christian household, and attending many church activities is enough, but that's just barely scraping the surface of what we should really be doing.
Our Savior lived and died for us. He listens to us contradict ourselves. He watches us go against him time and time again. We have such an amazing Lord and we continue to let Him down, but even more so we continue to not spread His word. We can allow ourselves to look like the holiest people ever, but without spreading the light we remain in darkness ourselves.
Many people think this isn't necessary or doesn't apply to them because when they picture spreading the word of God as full on missionary work when this doesn't have to be the case. It could be as simple as mentioning God when someone is confused or playing a church hymn in the car with someone or praying before you leave. Little things like this can make a big difference in someones life and everyone deserves to know the truth!
1 Corinthians 9:16
How can you better yourself by helping someone else find God?
Make it a mission this week to show someone God, even just in a small way! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Your time on Earth.

Death. Heaven. For some people, those words are so comoforting. Knowing that they will be saved and live with Jesus for eternity. For others, they're scary words. Fear of the unknown. Truth is, everyone will die sometime. Our days are numbered & we need to be living them for HIM. Not for ourselves, friends, anybody except Him.  

How are you spending your time here on Earth? Are you wasting the days away living in fear, sadness, anger? Or are you going out everyday, thanking & rejoicing God for everything he is doing for you. We need to start living our life to glorify HIM and Him alone. Psalm 90:12 states, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." We don't know how long we have on Earth so we need to live every day like its our last, by rejoicing & thanking God. 

Reading: Psalm 39:4, Psalm 90:12, Ephesians 4:1, and Ephesians 4:15

Are you living your life how God would want you too? 

How can you change and start living a life for Him?