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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Your time on Earth.

Death. Heaven. For some people, those words are so comoforting. Knowing that they will be saved and live with Jesus for eternity. For others, they're scary words. Fear of the unknown. Truth is, everyone will die sometime. Our days are numbered & we need to be living them for HIM. Not for ourselves, friends, anybody except Him.  

How are you spending your time here on Earth? Are you wasting the days away living in fear, sadness, anger? Or are you going out everyday, thanking & rejoicing God for everything he is doing for you. We need to start living our life to glorify HIM and Him alone. Psalm 90:12 states, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." We don't know how long we have on Earth so we need to live every day like its our last, by rejoicing & thanking God. 

Reading: Psalm 39:4, Psalm 90:12, Ephesians 4:1, and Ephesians 4:15

Are you living your life how God would want you too? 

How can you change and start living a life for Him? 

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