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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Keeping Whats Yours

My families home has been robbed. Not only did they take physical things, but they took our right to feel comfortable and safe in our own home. While these thieves took just about every thing we own, we have we still have our scriptures, our savior, our church and each other and that is what matters.
Because I myself have never been stolen from until now, I never realized how much it really does affect a family. They stole from us physical things, including things from my young kids and they stole a feeling that I don't know that we will ever get back.
I know that God has a plan. I know that for some reason He aloud this thief to take from us and this is a part of a greater plan. As a family we have really been focused on readings about thieves, stealing and robberies today and it has helped us to be calm and know that these thieves will be stopped for God has given us this information through His word.
Exodus 20:15
Deuteronomy 24:7
Matthew 6:20
Have you ever been stolen from?
If so did this weaken or strengthen your faith in God?
How do of you think God may use a robbery as a part of his greater plan?

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