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Monday, May 28, 2012

The Way God Works

God works in many ways. Some miraculous, some expected, some small, some large, and some in the most unexpected shocking ways. I don't want to say God works better in some ways than others because that's not right, but to me he shines brightest when he works in these crazy ways which is how he worked through me.
I was raised in a bad home around drugs and abuse in a trashy unsafe trailer park. I never knew about God, but my entire life I felt there was something bigger. Most my life I sent condemning God for the things I'd been through. I said things no person should say and lived a life that reflected those view points. But, some how, by thr grace of God I discovered the Bible. I read it all the way through in a matter of months and wanted more and more. I wanted church and missions and to help people and to live the way God demands.
People thought this was so strange that I, the girl from the trailer park, the girl on drugs, the teen mom, the "scrapper" now wanted God. After spending my life wanting material possessions that would never last and persecuting Jesus, He became all I wanted.
To this day I know that our savior is all I need.
We see a snipet of a story similar to mine in today's reading. A man who once persecuted Jesus would now be used.
Acts 26:14-18
How did God find you?
If you were born into religion how has God kept you?
As Christians what can we do to make sure God can work through us to spread the scriptures to people who may not hear word otherwise?

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