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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In Times of Adversity

Every single one of us has been through something tough. Because of these hardships every single one of us has questioned Gods love and power. Through my times of trial I have realized we must understand why we must suffer these times in order to be able to overcome them.
Sin has been on earth as long as the first people have been. As soon as sin started so did suffering. God was ultimately in control of Adam & eves fall but he allowed them to sin. Why? So we would be capable of loving Him. If we were created to be Gods puppets, unable to choose sin, our love for him wouldn't be voluntary. And if love is involuntary its not love at all.
I don't know if any of you are parents but sometimes we allow our kids to make mistakes. As hard as it is, we watch it happen. I allow my kids to do this because I know that if I rescue them from everything they wont be very successful when they're older. Similarly a lot of times we create our own suffering because of our own sinful choices. If the lord tried to rescue us from these actions in order to prevent our suffering we never would develop into mature believers.
As believers in Christ we will always have an enemy. Unfortunately our enemy is very strong, sometimes stronger than us, and we will always be under attack by him. Satan is out to destroy our lives and our testimonys, making us weak and useless for God.
Ultimately God is in charge of all adversity that comes our way. To deny His involvement contradicts His Power and sovereignty over creation.
For us to accept that God allows, and even sends afflictions we must see adversity His way. As believers were assured that no adversity comes our way unless He can use it to achieve His good purposes.
Isaiah 45:5-10
Is your focus on the pain of the experience or the Lord and His faithfulness?
Next time you feel Gods not there do you feel these points may help you?

Monday, July 9, 2012


Lately, I've been feeling lonely all the time. Even when there's lots of people "around" me. I don't really have lots of friends. Most of my time is spent alone, looking through my Facebook feed at my "friends" pictures, just wishing that I could take part in the activities and hang out with them, if only I had one friend. But really, I do. 

Jesus is always there for me. He is my friend when no one else is. Matthew 28:20 says, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." When you think you're alone and you have nobody, think about Jesus. Think about how alone He felt when he was being put on the cross to die for us. God is always there for us, he will never leave us. He will always be our friend, no matter what.

Reading: Hebrews 13:5; Matthew 28:20; and Psalm 68:6
-What do you do when you are feeling lonely?
-How does it make you feel knowing that you're never truly alone with God? 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Struggling with Looks

Today I am here to talk about looks. Appearance is a funny thing, today esoecially. I know I personally have had a continual battle feeling "sexy." I am against showing skin. I am against showing off your body and I do believe modest is hottest, but sometimes I feel that I am the only one who feels this way and that I am looked over except on the rare occasion that I do show some skin in public.
A friend from out of town stayed the night with us last night and came to church with our family today. She packed one dress and it was so..immodest. I couldn't help but think "she can't wear that into church.." but she did. I think the reason I felt so almost embarrased was because I knew she was going into a house of God. I know that each Sunday I feel our Heavenly Fathers presence in our congregation and its disrespectful to be dressed that way in a house of the Lord.
For me, coming to this realiziation has made such an impact on me today because I want every where I go to be a house of God. My body is a temple and I want the spirit of the Lord to reside in me. By dishonoring myself I am also dishonoring the spirit living within me, and probably not allowing it to be there.
Also, today I read a perfect scripture for what I was feeling. I have never really thought about the fact that we look like God. Yes, we are His children but I never realized I look like Him and so do each and every one of you. Our appearances should be honored every day in every thing we do because we were made to look like Him.
-Genesis 1:26
-Are you dressing in a way that will allow the spirit to WANT to reside in you?
-Are you honoring God's looks by respecting your own?