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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Choosing your battles

Every single day we fight for something. We fight to win an argument. We fight to prove a point. We fight for materials. We fight for the opinions of someone. Many people are even fighting for their lives. I am very competitive and when I look closely at my day to day life I see so many pointless fights. Often I catch myself, usually when it's too late, almost searching for reasons to fight about/for something. I have come to realize that I need to start fighting for one thing and one thing alone. God. If each fight I chose revolves around God I will win every battle. I am a firm believer, a child, and I think I have a pretty strong relationship in God. From today's reading I know that God will help me win every fight as long as its for him.
In this chapter David goes against Goliath. David, who is just a young boy wears no armor and has no weapons besides a sling shot, but yet he takes down the strong, mighty, dominate Goliath. Why? Because he was fighting for God.
- 1 Samuel 17
-Do you need to choose your battles more carefully?
- Are you waisting valuable time fighting pointless fights?
- If so what can you do to have a change of heart and start fighting for God and for God alone?

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