This is His hand extended for you.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hi all!

Sometimes we all need a fresh start. Haley and I started this blog so we could get one and give all our readers one. Haley had a blog before this called If you were following her before, we encourage you to follow this one. Even if you didn't follow Haley's blog before, please follow this one. This blog is going to be a place where we can cover a wide array of topics all revolving around the Bible. Faith, trust, hope, prayer, and so much more. Our goal is to post everyday but sometimes we might not get around to it. We love comments and emails, so feel free too give advice, feedback, criticism, anything. We hope you'll start this journey with us and follow us as we strive to extend His hand.. for you, for us, and most importantly for Him.

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