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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Luke 15

Many times I have sat like this girl with my head between my knees wondering where my life was going and what directions I should go. I have made many mistakes and my life and know that no matter how hard I try I will always make more. Fortunately, I am now more conscious of my decisions and the path I am on then I was a few years ago and from reading the Bible I know that Jesus rejoiced in this.
I feel that many people make the mistake in believing they have strayed too far from God when this is far from the truth. As you will see in todays reading God celebrates a son, or daughter, returning to Him. There is no such thing as straying too far from God.
In todays reading we see a shepherd leave 99 of his sheep to find one lost one, this is just what God does for us, and He will celebrate one sinner repenting so much more so than 99 righteous people. There is no limit of Gods love and forgiveness even as you continue to struggle with sin. I have one sin that I personally continue to struggle with. God knows our weaknesses even better than we do and He knows that in one way or another we will mess up again.
When you do mess up again how will you choose to deal with it? Will you be like the Israelites who hardened their hearts and quit talking to God? (Heb. 3:7-9). You should never let this happen to you! No matter what trials or tribulations you may be experiencing, no matter how lost you may feel, and no matter how much you think "there's no way God can forgive me" you must seek God with all your heart. (Dt. 4:29)
-Luke 15.
-When you know you sin time after time again how do you deal with this?
-After reading about God's unconditional love how do you feel?
-What about the fact God and his angels want to throw a party for you? Time to spend more time repenting? :)
Post your answers, thoughts, concerns or feedback in the comments! :)

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