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Monday, May 28, 2012

The Way God Works

God works in many ways. Some miraculous, some expected, some small, some large, and some in the most unexpected shocking ways. I don't want to say God works better in some ways than others because that's not right, but to me he shines brightest when he works in these crazy ways which is how he worked through me.
I was raised in a bad home around drugs and abuse in a trashy unsafe trailer park. I never knew about God, but my entire life I felt there was something bigger. Most my life I sent condemning God for the things I'd been through. I said things no person should say and lived a life that reflected those view points. But, some how, by thr grace of God I discovered the Bible. I read it all the way through in a matter of months and wanted more and more. I wanted church and missions and to help people and to live the way God demands.
People thought this was so strange that I, the girl from the trailer park, the girl on drugs, the teen mom, the "scrapper" now wanted God. After spending my life wanting material possessions that would never last and persecuting Jesus, He became all I wanted.
To this day I know that our savior is all I need.
We see a snipet of a story similar to mine in today's reading. A man who once persecuted Jesus would now be used.
Acts 26:14-18
How did God find you?
If you were born into religion how has God kept you?
As Christians what can we do to make sure God can work through us to spread the scriptures to people who may not hear word otherwise?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Life Lesson

I feel like anger is something we post about often, but that's okay. Today during my class at church we were reading an article about a husband and wife and this is their story:
They were newlyweds who had some trauma take place early on and their marriage began to suffer because of it. They argued argued and argued and finally received counseling from the church, went once and didn't go again. Their marriage continued to suffer. Eventually the husband grabbed their sons toy, threw it in the direction of his wife but missed her and hit their son. He was paralyzed.
Imagine the guilt this father felt. Imagine your anger affecting people, even people not directly involved, in such a negative way?
We may think our anger towards someone doesn't hurt anyone else but it probably does and we may not see it until its apparent to us.
Proverbs 14:17
Psalm 37:8
Ecclesiastes 7:9
-Are you quick to anger?
-Do you believe your anger doesn't affect others?
-How can you change your anger into a more god like quality?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

God doesn't pick favorite.. Acts 10:27-35

I remember in second grade I had a teacher that didnt't really like me. There was a few kids in the class that she "favored". I remember complaining to my mom about why she didn't like me and how she picked favorites. I didn't think it was fair. But, I learned that in life some people just don't like you. Plain & simple. But you know the one person that will never pick favorites and loves everyone equally? God. God NEVER picks favorites.. He loves everyone equally.

In Acts 10: 34-35, "Then Peter began to speak: 'I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.'" God will always accept everybody & will treat them all the same. As long as you fear him and do what He says is right. Knowing that God will never play favorites and treat you equally makes me feel comforted that no matter what I do.. He will always love me and treat me the same.

Reading: Acts 10: 27-35


- Have you ever been in a situation where "favorites" were picked? How did it make you feel?
- Does it make you feel knowing that God will always love & treat you equally..
no matter what?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Let Their Iron Swim

A common theme that seems to be coming up in my life a lot lately is "helping others." I keep finding myself bending backwards to help others even when it means causing additional stressors in my already hectic life.
Something I am really excited about is working at the Kiwanis camp! It's a camp for disabled children and adults where they can have a week of fishing, horseback riding, arts and crafts, and friends. You can find more information about it here!
Because of all the "helping" that's going on in my life I know I am creating miracles. Whether or not these miracles affect me directly or not I know that when I go to camp these kids will experience something that they don't always get to. As small as it may be I want that week to be a miracle for them. My outlook on this brings me to today's reading.
In the reading a man drops a borrowed ax into the water. Elisha, a man of god, allows the iron to float to the man when he expresses his concern because the ax wasn't his.
By expressing his concern for OTHERS a miracle was preformed for him. Don't you think you could focus on others every single day to be making miracles no matter the size?
2 Kings 6:1-7
-Are you currently trying to make a difference for OTHERS?
-What can you do to make a difference in others day to day life?
Make it a goal this week to "make someone's iron swim." let yourself focus more on others needs and wants then your own.

Monday, May 21, 2012

He ALWAYS answers.

Lately, I feel as if God is not answering my prayers. I feel like I pray and pray and pray, but nothing happens. Truth is, something always happens. God always answers prayers- it just might not be the way you want them to be answered. It might not always be immediately, it could be days, months, even years down the road. In reality, he will ALWAYS answer your prayer, even if it is not the way you want it to be answered. 

Matthew 21:22 states, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." I think this is such an awesome verse. As long as you believe God will answer your prayers- He always will. It's so comforting to know that whatever you ask God for, He will always deliver. You have to remember, He might not always answer it in the way you think is best, but He will always answer in His way. You have to be patient and have faith. 

Reading: John 14:12-14 & John 16:23-25
-When God answers your prayers in His way, how do you feel?

-When God answers your prayers in His way, do you believe that and accept, that is the right plan? Or do you become angry, thinking He answered it the "wrong" way? 

-When is an example of a time that God answered your prayer in His way and you saw the good come out of that? 

GOAL: Start accepting and being thankful that God answered your prayer in His way.. not in yours. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Showing Others Christ

Sometimes I feel that it's hard for me to discuss God with others and I know this is really bad. I should never be ashamed of embarrassed and if anything I should be looking for someone to teach about Jesus, but I don't!
Today's reading helped me find strength in converting others because of what an impact it had on Paul and Silas to show Christ to others.
I personally need to focus on not worrying about what others think as only worrying about what God thinks. Since I have started this blog I have learned that this is my biggest weakness in my walk in God. I am so focused on earthly things that I realize soon enough I have forgotten about the heavenly things which are what really matter.
-Acts 16:23-36
-Are you focusing on God and what He wants from you or are you focusing on what people here on Earth want from you?
-If you are doing the latter what can you do to change this?
-Are you voluntarily spreading the word of the Lord as often as you can?
I personally am now making it a goal to spread Gods word to at least one person per day. Whether it be someone in the store or a person on the street I will reach out his hand because I know God wants to work through me.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Need For Water

All of us need something in one way or another. Whether we actually need these things the answer is usually not, but, the one thing we all need, no matter how strong we are, is water.
In order to survive each and everyone of us must have water. In the Bible Moses was leading Israel through the Desert of Shur where there was no water. None at all for days on end. Eventually when they came to Marah, grumpy thirsty and dehydrated, they found water. But, the water was acidic. The people couldn't drink this water and became rude towards Moses.
Rather than taking it out on people like Israel was doing, Moses asked God where he can find drinkable water and God provided.
To me this shows that no matter how often we don't receive the things that we want, we will ALWAYS receive the things that we need.
-Have you ever been at a point where you thought God wouldn't provide you with your necessities?
-Did God end up giving you what you needed?
-In times of struggle how can we ask God for guidance or to provide us with the things we need?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Psalm 139:1-24

Psalm is definitely one of my favorite chapters in the bible, and I think that Psalm 139:1-24 is one of my favorite scriptures. The main idea's in this scripture are..
1. God knows everything about you.
2. There is nothing you can do to hide from Him.
3. He is always there for you, no matter what.
Psalm 7 states, "Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." There is no where or anything that will ever hide you from God. He can always see you. He is always there- whether you want him to be or not.
Psalm 4 says, "Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord." God knows everything you're going to say, everything you do say, even a thought in your head. This makes me a little nervous.. what if I think a bad thought? God can see that. But in reality, God can see & hear everything.
Reading: Psalm 139:1-24
-Does it comfort you knowing that you can never hide from God?
-How do you feel knowing that God knows everything you are going to say, before you do?
-Write down an example in the past week how you exhibited a worried attitude and how knowing that God is always there, helped you over come that.


Death has been weighing heavily on my heart lately. Yesterday, I got word that my friend's baby girl passed away. She was 7 months old and had a severe asthma attack & a collapsed lung. I've been thinking- why? Why her? It doesn't seem fair. I know though that God has a plan.
In Psalm 139:16, "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." This is comforting to me, knowing that God has every day written out for us. No amount of worrying, or anything can change that.
We have to know and trust that God has a greater plan for us. God's plan is the best plan. We may not like the things He does, but He knows best. We have to trust in God. Even when times are tough. Even when we feel like He's not "there". He always is.. and he always will be.
Reading: Psalm 139:16; Psalm 147:3; John 14:1-3
-How do you feel knowing that there is nothing about you that is not written out in God's book?
-When tragedy strikes, do you feel comfort knowing that God is in control?
-When something bad happens, do you take comfort in knowing that God is there? Or do you feel like God "disappeared"?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Teaching & Humbling

As a parent I feel that God guides me in my parenting, but ultimately God is my decision maker, He is also who I hope that my children will follow, even over me.
One thing I feel strongly is that parents try to show their kids too much of themselves and too little of God. The Bible shows us in so many ways that God will always provide, we should never worry, and we should become less so that He can become greater.
In todays reading we see John the Baptist teaching about Christ. John was sent ahead of Jesus in order to prepare the way for the coming Messiah. John was meant to baptise, preach, and call the nation to repetance in order to prepare them for Jesus. Isnt this something we can do for our kids, or for the people without kids, just with the people around us? By making ourselves like John and preaching the word of Christ to all around us, especially our children, we can prepare them for a life side by side with Him. If we are like John and walk before Jesus, prepare them for Him, and then allow Him to become bigger than us, our children can have a life with God that is exactly what we as parents, and God as our father, want in each one of our children.
John 3:22-36
What can you do to help prepare those around you for a life in Christ?
Are you willing to become lesser than Jesus in front of people, especially your children?
Where does this passage take your mind?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Overcoming obstacles.

Sometimes I feel that my prayers are never answered. I feel that I pray and pray for the same struggles to be overcame and they never are. Sometimes I sit there and cry for hours upon hours about how unfair life is. And most times I feel that God, as good as He has been to me, doesn't always make things "easy."
We can see an example of this in Judges. Gideon was an Israelite who prepared to fight the Midianites, the task seemed impossible but God told him he'd give him a decisive victory. After that Gideon put together an army of 32,000 but God said with that many men the Israelites might get the credit for winning and forget about God, so after several times of lessening his army Gideon was left with only 300 men. Talk about not having an easy obstacle! In the end though, Gideon's tiny army ended up defeating the intimidating midianites.
During this story I can't help but feel that God made Gideon's battle so difficult that the people had to trust him. I believe that God does the same thing inside many of us. He makes our day to day battles sometimes so difficult that we have to trust Him and provide Him with the victory after we overcome our struggles. Gideon and his army had to rely on God, not on their own strength, in order to have a victory.
Instead of relying on your own strength, what If you asked God to remind you that he's with you all day, in every problem and every fear? What if you no longer had to had behind false strength? You might start to see things like Gideon did. You'd see God as a whole lot bigger than you thought and you'd see your obstacles as a whole lot smaller than they seemed.
Judges 7:1-24
-Do you allow God to have the victory or do you try to battle them yourself?
-How can you allow God to take your obstacles and win them for you?
-In order to be like Gideon what changes do you need to make in your life?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Humbling Ourselves

One thing I have never quite understood is why people feel the need to make themselves so "mighty and powerful." People allow fame, looks, intelligence, anything really, to go straight to their head. Many young people are afraid of who to be seen with because of their own reputation.
On top of that sometimes its just simply hard to do the right thing. How many of you see a homeless person and offer him food or money? How many of you clothe him? What about let him into your home? Many of us ignore these demands from Jesus because we chose to decide they're not for us or we have more earthly things to worry about. Is our greatest rewards our possessions on Earth? No, they are our treasures in heaven. By humbling yourself and allowing yourself to help people who you may feel are lesser than you, you will be rewarded. Maybe not right away, maybe not even in this life. But, these are the things Jesus sees. It doesn't matter what others think of you or that you may lose your sense of power by humbling yourself. This is exactly how Jesus wants us to live.
Do you think He would consciously drive by a homeless person? No.
-Luke 14:1-14
-Are you a humble person?
-What do you do, or don't do, that needs to be changed in order to humble yourself?
-Let's all do something to humble ourselves today. We could take a homeless person into our home or clothe/feed him. We could serve at a local soup kitchen. Anything that is normally out of our comfort zone, these are things we should all be working on.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012



Being honest is a hard thing to do. There are many situations around us that make us lie. Being a Christian, we know that it is extremely easy to fall into sin. Being honest can hurt us and even the people around but we need to remember that we are doing what God wants us to do, therefore we should not feel as bad. Lying to yourself is just as bad as lying to someone else. Kelly Mahoney said, "While humility and modesty is a good thing, being too harsh on yourself is not being truthful. Also, thinking too highly of yourself is a sin. Thus, it is important for you to find a balance of knowing your blessings and shortcomings so you can continue to grow."
I lie. To family, friends, even myself. For instance, the other day my mom asked me if I had taken the dog for a good, long walk. I was lazy and didn't feel like walking her again, so I replied yes, even though I had only taken her down the driveway. This might not seem like a "big" deal, but any type of lying is a big deal. It doesn't matter to what degree or to whom; lying is bad. The good thing is, no matter what, God will always forgive us.
Reading: Acts 5:1-11
-Do you struggle with lying?
-How often do you think you lie? How can you "reduce" that number?
-When you lie, do you pray and ask God for forgiveness?
-After you repent about lying, do you still feel bad? Or do you trust that God really forgave you?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Obedience is something that I struggle with. The world thinks I am a wonderful Christian, who came from a rough start with the odds against her but was able to turn her life around. The odds were against me and I was able to pull through because of my faith in God. The world sees me the way I want God to. Unfortunately, the world isn't what matters.
I am going to be brutally honest in this post and try not to sugar coat anything:
-I am an unwed mother living with my boyfriend who I continue to have sex with.
-I lie when I feel that it will benefit me.
-And most importantly I allow people to think much different of me.
Yeah I have been with the same man since I was 14, I don't drink or party, I tithe the church and overall I am a good person but I am not obedient. And that's what this post is all about.
For those of you who have read Radical by David Platt, "We have a master who demands radical obedience." this means we don't get to pick and choose what demands we follow or ignore. Our God demands us to follow everything he says. Not just what we feel is directed towards us.
I don't get to say that God didn't mean me when he says we must not have sex out of marriage. I don't get to say God didn't mean me when he says all lying is bad, even just leaving out some of the truth. and I certainly don't get to say God didn't mean me when He said He is the only one with the right to judge, not anyone else.
But, I also know that this is a big problem in churches everywhere. Think about it, how obedient are you?
-Exodus 4:10-14
-How obedient are you?
-Do you ignore things God has said because "they don't apply to you" or "that's not relevant Anymore?"
-Are you doing everything in God?
-How can you ask God for guidance to help you be more obedient?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Daniel 6:1-28

Daniel in the Lion's Den is one of my favorite bible stories ever. The message is so great (not that all stories aren't) and I just really enjoy reading it. Let's say you're in Daniel's situation.. would you be like Daniel and still trust God and pray? Or would you just not pray to God for fear of being thrown in the lion's den? I would like to say that I have the faith to do that. The truth is I'm not sure if I'm quite there yet. I know that I am definitely getting there and will be there soon. I'm being completely honest here and I hope you will too.

Even though the King warned the people of the consequences they would endure if they prayed to God, David didn't listen. He believed and trusted that God would take care of him, no matter what. When David was thrown into the lion's den, nothing happened. Why? Because he obeyed God in the beginning and never stopped trusting in him. So God kept him safely in there until morning. The three men that told the King about David praying to God were thrown into the lion's den, along with their wives and children. The lions killed them before they hit the ground. God protected David because David never stopped worshiping Him.

Reading: Daniel 6:1-28


-What would you do if you were in Daniels situation? (Please be completely honest here)

-Do you think the King was at fault in this story? Why or why not?

*I'm only asking two questions because I really want you to go in-depth with your answers.


Sunday, May 6, 2012


One thing I am battling so bad, at this very moment, is stress. I have 2 essays, a math assignment, and a history assignment due tomorrow. On top of school, work, my family to care for, and errands to run everyone around me just seems to need more and more out of me. I feel as if I am torn in a thousand directions with no where to run until I remember I do always have somewhere to run. I always have someone who doesn't expect anything from me and I always have someone who wants to listen to me, no matter how crazy I am.
I am laying in bed attempting to relax listening to Building 429, writing this and praying from my heart. I am beginning to feel solace with myself and the things going on around me. I will keep God in my heart and everything will get done just as it needs to.
-Luke 10:41-42
-Matthew 11:28-30
-Phillipians 4:6-7
-Psalms 52:22
-Proverbs 16:3
Each of these verses show us by simply handing our problems to God everything will be taken care of. By coming to God he will take our burdens, can it get any better than that?! God is good.
-Are you allowing God to take your problems or trying to handle the, yourself?
-In each of your plans are you keeping Christ involved?
-Let's all focus on keeping God in our plans and actions. When things get hectic and out of our control let God take the reigns. Let's focus on trusting in God. Stress is not something we need to feel with the God that we have. Let's pray on omitting this emotion from ourselves for it is unnecessary.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Worry; Matthew 6:25-27

I think worry is one of my biggest struggles in my walk with God. I am always needing to reassure myself that I do not need to worry, that God is in control and will take care of everything. Sometimes I can't believe that. Sometimes I struggle with the fact that God is in control. I know that it is true and He would do nothing to put us in danger, everything He does is part of a greater plan. When we hand Him our worries, He will take them away from us. Worry is hard to overcome, but when hand over our struggles to God, He will take them away from us. We need to trust in Him and we can beat the battle of worry!

Reading: Matthew 6:25-27


-When is it hard for you to trust in God?

-What do you do when you're having trouble giving Him your worries?

-What does He say about worry in these verses?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

James 3:14-18: Jealousy

Lately I have been struggling a lot with jealousy. I'm not normally a jealous person and I really don't like the feeling. There are so many verses on jealousy and how awful it is.

Proverbs 14:30 says, "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bone." This verse really influenced me. I interpreted it that when you're feeling peace, and at peace- your body is at peace. But when you feel jealous and envy, it rots you down to the bone.

"For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice." James 3:16

Every evil practice? Sexual immorality, impurity, hatred, rage, selfishness, lying, cheating, and so much more. Jealousy is a horrible feeling. I am praying that God will take these feelings away. James 3:14-18 has really helped me realize how bad jealousy is & how I can fix it.

Reading: James 3:14-18


-Do you get jealous? If so, how does this make you feel?

-How do you stop your feelings of jealousy?

-Do you think jealousy is one of the worst sins you can commit?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Drowning in Our Misery

When is the last time you truly felt sorrow for your sins? How about the worlds sins? As a father to every single one of us on earth think of how much sorrow God must feel watching us sin time and time again after He's set up such a wonderful world for us. God does so much for us by providing everything we need and giving us a hand to always hold yet we are able to sin against Him time and time again.
If we were to sit in prayer and ask God to allow us to feel what He does imagine how that would feel. I feel like if I sat and prayed and asked to see my sin and the worlds there is no way I could look God in the eye. He deserves perfection, something none of us can achieve, but something most of us aren't even trying for.
As Christians I believe we need to be more focused on the bad in the world and the sin rather than the good. God will always celebrate one lost man repenting over many good men who do not need to do so.
Please don't misunderstand me to think that I think bad overrules good, because that's not what I, saying. A good tree will bear no bad fruit, so we don't need to worry about the people who are already doing well. Rather we need to focus on the people who need help and need God and need to be shown they still can bear good fruit.
Book of Mormon: 2 nephi 4:17-25. In case you don't have the book of Mormon here is a link to the reading if you'd like :)
If not here are some related Bible verses :)
Exodus 34:5-7
Romans 7:24
Romans 7:21
Hebrews 12:1
2 Corinthians 4:16
Psalm 3:7
2 Chronicles 26:5
James 5:16
Moses 1:1
-Have you ever taken time to think about how God feels?
-Have you ever been able to feel like a wretched man for things you've done?
-How can you help lessen the worlds sin?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Matthew 14:22-36: Jesus Walks on Water

Today, I was having trouble deciding what to post. I went on to Google and typed in popular Bible stories. A list of the top 10 most popular bible stories came up. The ninth most popular story was when Jesus walks on water. I was kinda shocked to see that story in the top 10 most popular, I didn't think it was one of the most important. I took a closer look at it and read it and was shocked. I never really realized how important the message was.

"Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!' Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'"

When Peter started to walk on the water, he had complete faith in God. When the wind started, his faith started to dwindle. This relates to how my day sometimes look. I'll wake up feeling really great and trusting God. Then as my day continues and something bad happens.. my faith will dwindle a little bit. Then something else happens.. and it goes down a little bit more. Then something good or faithful will happen and it will rise. It will continue to rise and fall all day. It's a constant battle trying to keep 100% complete faith in God. Some days, that'll happen. Some days, it won't. With God's strength and guidance I know I'll get to the point where I can 110% trust God, always.

Reading: Matthew 14:22-36


-What do you do when your faith starts to dwindle down?

-Do you have complete faith in God 110% all the time, always? If not, what can you do to get to that point?

-If you were in Peters situation what would you do? Do you think you would have been able to trust God and walk to Him?