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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Worry; Matthew 6:25-27

I think worry is one of my biggest struggles in my walk with God. I am always needing to reassure myself that I do not need to worry, that God is in control and will take care of everything. Sometimes I can't believe that. Sometimes I struggle with the fact that God is in control. I know that it is true and He would do nothing to put us in danger, everything He does is part of a greater plan. When we hand Him our worries, He will take them away from us. Worry is hard to overcome, but when hand over our struggles to God, He will take them away from us. We need to trust in Him and we can beat the battle of worry!

Reading: Matthew 6:25-27


-When is it hard for you to trust in God?

-What do you do when you're having trouble giving Him your worries?

-What does He say about worry in these verses?

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