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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Teaching & Humbling

As a parent I feel that God guides me in my parenting, but ultimately God is my decision maker, He is also who I hope that my children will follow, even over me.
One thing I feel strongly is that parents try to show their kids too much of themselves and too little of God. The Bible shows us in so many ways that God will always provide, we should never worry, and we should become less so that He can become greater.
In todays reading we see John the Baptist teaching about Christ. John was sent ahead of Jesus in order to prepare the way for the coming Messiah. John was meant to baptise, preach, and call the nation to repetance in order to prepare them for Jesus. Isnt this something we can do for our kids, or for the people without kids, just with the people around us? By making ourselves like John and preaching the word of Christ to all around us, especially our children, we can prepare them for a life side by side with Him. If we are like John and walk before Jesus, prepare them for Him, and then allow Him to become bigger than us, our children can have a life with God that is exactly what we as parents, and God as our father, want in each one of our children.
John 3:22-36
What can you do to help prepare those around you for a life in Christ?
Are you willing to become lesser than Jesus in front of people, especially your children?
Where does this passage take your mind?

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