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Monday, May 7, 2012

Daniel 6:1-28

Daniel in the Lion's Den is one of my favorite bible stories ever. The message is so great (not that all stories aren't) and I just really enjoy reading it. Let's say you're in Daniel's situation.. would you be like Daniel and still trust God and pray? Or would you just not pray to God for fear of being thrown in the lion's den? I would like to say that I have the faith to do that. The truth is I'm not sure if I'm quite there yet. I know that I am definitely getting there and will be there soon. I'm being completely honest here and I hope you will too.

Even though the King warned the people of the consequences they would endure if they prayed to God, David didn't listen. He believed and trusted that God would take care of him, no matter what. When David was thrown into the lion's den, nothing happened. Why? Because he obeyed God in the beginning and never stopped trusting in him. So God kept him safely in there until morning. The three men that told the King about David praying to God were thrown into the lion's den, along with their wives and children. The lions killed them before they hit the ground. God protected David because David never stopped worshiping Him.

Reading: Daniel 6:1-28


-What would you do if you were in Daniels situation? (Please be completely honest here)

-Do you think the King was at fault in this story? Why or why not?

*I'm only asking two questions because I really want you to go in-depth with your answers.


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