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Monday, May 21, 2012

He ALWAYS answers.

Lately, I feel as if God is not answering my prayers. I feel like I pray and pray and pray, but nothing happens. Truth is, something always happens. God always answers prayers- it just might not be the way you want them to be answered. It might not always be immediately, it could be days, months, even years down the road. In reality, he will ALWAYS answer your prayer, even if it is not the way you want it to be answered. 

Matthew 21:22 states, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." I think this is such an awesome verse. As long as you believe God will answer your prayers- He always will. It's so comforting to know that whatever you ask God for, He will always deliver. You have to remember, He might not always answer it in the way you think is best, but He will always answer in His way. You have to be patient and have faith. 

Reading: John 14:12-14 & John 16:23-25
-When God answers your prayers in His way, how do you feel?

-When God answers your prayers in His way, do you believe that and accept, that is the right plan? Or do you become angry, thinking He answered it the "wrong" way? 

-When is an example of a time that God answered your prayer in His way and you saw the good come out of that? 

GOAL: Start accepting and being thankful that God answered your prayer in His way.. not in yours. 

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