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Friday, May 18, 2012

The Need For Water

All of us need something in one way or another. Whether we actually need these things the answer is usually not, but, the one thing we all need, no matter how strong we are, is water.
In order to survive each and everyone of us must have water. In the Bible Moses was leading Israel through the Desert of Shur where there was no water. None at all for days on end. Eventually when they came to Marah, grumpy thirsty and dehydrated, they found water. But, the water was acidic. The people couldn't drink this water and became rude towards Moses.
Rather than taking it out on people like Israel was doing, Moses asked God where he can find drinkable water and God provided.
To me this shows that no matter how often we don't receive the things that we want, we will ALWAYS receive the things that we need.
-Have you ever been at a point where you thought God wouldn't provide you with your necessities?
-Did God end up giving you what you needed?
-In times of struggle how can we ask God for guidance or to provide us with the things we need?

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