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Saturday, May 26, 2012

God doesn't pick favorite.. Acts 10:27-35

I remember in second grade I had a teacher that didnt't really like me. There was a few kids in the class that she "favored". I remember complaining to my mom about why she didn't like me and how she picked favorites. I didn't think it was fair. But, I learned that in life some people just don't like you. Plain & simple. But you know the one person that will never pick favorites and loves everyone equally? God. God NEVER picks favorites.. He loves everyone equally.

In Acts 10: 34-35, "Then Peter began to speak: 'I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.'" God will always accept everybody & will treat them all the same. As long as you fear him and do what He says is right. Knowing that God will never play favorites and treat you equally makes me feel comforted that no matter what I do.. He will always love me and treat me the same.

Reading: Acts 10: 27-35


- Have you ever been in a situation where "favorites" were picked? How did it make you feel?
- Does it make you feel knowing that God will always love & treat you equally..
no matter what?

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