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Sunday, May 6, 2012


One thing I am battling so bad, at this very moment, is stress. I have 2 essays, a math assignment, and a history assignment due tomorrow. On top of school, work, my family to care for, and errands to run everyone around me just seems to need more and more out of me. I feel as if I am torn in a thousand directions with no where to run until I remember I do always have somewhere to run. I always have someone who doesn't expect anything from me and I always have someone who wants to listen to me, no matter how crazy I am.
I am laying in bed attempting to relax listening to Building 429, writing this and praying from my heart. I am beginning to feel solace with myself and the things going on around me. I will keep God in my heart and everything will get done just as it needs to.
-Luke 10:41-42
-Matthew 11:28-30
-Phillipians 4:6-7
-Psalms 52:22
-Proverbs 16:3
Each of these verses show us by simply handing our problems to God everything will be taken care of. By coming to God he will take our burdens, can it get any better than that?! God is good.
-Are you allowing God to take your problems or trying to handle the, yourself?
-In each of your plans are you keeping Christ involved?
-Let's all focus on keeping God in our plans and actions. When things get hectic and out of our control let God take the reigns. Let's focus on trusting in God. Stress is not something we need to feel with the God that we have. Let's pray on omitting this emotion from ourselves for it is unnecessary.

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