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Wednesday, May 9, 2012



Being honest is a hard thing to do. There are many situations around us that make us lie. Being a Christian, we know that it is extremely easy to fall into sin. Being honest can hurt us and even the people around but we need to remember that we are doing what God wants us to do, therefore we should not feel as bad. Lying to yourself is just as bad as lying to someone else. Kelly Mahoney said, "While humility and modesty is a good thing, being too harsh on yourself is not being truthful. Also, thinking too highly of yourself is a sin. Thus, it is important for you to find a balance of knowing your blessings and shortcomings so you can continue to grow."
I lie. To family, friends, even myself. For instance, the other day my mom asked me if I had taken the dog for a good, long walk. I was lazy and didn't feel like walking her again, so I replied yes, even though I had only taken her down the driveway. This might not seem like a "big" deal, but any type of lying is a big deal. It doesn't matter to what degree or to whom; lying is bad. The good thing is, no matter what, God will always forgive us.
Reading: Acts 5:1-11
-Do you struggle with lying?
-How often do you think you lie? How can you "reduce" that number?
-When you lie, do you pray and ask God for forgiveness?
-After you repent about lying, do you still feel bad? Or do you trust that God really forgave you?

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